Friday, August 19, 2011

Jeans Don't Lie

I know this girl who claims to have lost all sanity. But when she speaks about her life, I feel she and I are the same. She came over to our house one day after we had gone to the beach and sat on the top of the stairs and just cried her eyes out. She was speaking but the words she strung together didn't make much sense. I just sat there, like an idiot, and tried my best to comfort her. But then she said, "I can't do it anymore". The little pieces in my head came together. I knew she was starving. Maybe not your average, cold-cut anorexic starving, but she was getting there. I knew for a while she was up to something; how she would "miraculously" drop 2 or 3 dress sizes in less than a month. But she kept gaining all the pounds back and she wasn't necessarily skinny (actually she's bigger than my fat self) so I let it go. I didn't even flinch when she told people she was losing weight because of stress.
So as I watched her not eat a bowl of rice and turkey (my family didn't get the whole 'I refuse to eat thing); and just nibble around it and I'm thinking, "Can a girl who doesn't eat actually not be skinny?" She's insane, sure, the starving did that to her but I don't know how I am able to think about weight loss every second of my life and still manage to keep my sanity. I'm always in my head.
I guess it's because of the fact that I'm not completely bonkers that I am not yet a full-blown anorexic. Is that bad? And I guess it would shock any "normal" person how effortlessly I use the word anorexia. But jeans don't lie and I don't think you can be anorexic without being skinny. Or can you?


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